

Ledoh is a multimedia performance artist and Butoh dancer. He trained in Japan under Butoh Master Katsura Kan and performed internationally with Katsura Kan's company, Saltimbanques, from 1988–2001. In 1998 he founded Salt Farm, a San Francisco-based collective united in its mission to explore its diverse cultural roots via the art of Butoh.

Ledoh performing in the Courtyard
Ledoh performing in the Courtyard

While in residence in 2007, Ledoh spent the month exploring the galleries, talking with staff, and looking through Gardner's travel journals. Outside of the Museum, Ledoh spent several days a week working out ideas at a local dance studio and attending performances, openings, and talks around Boston. In September 2007, he returned to give two performances: Captivity Concealed in the Tapestry Room and Captivity Revealed in the Courtyard. The performances were accompanied by violinist Reverend Markus Hawkins, and explored the boundaries of freedom by delving into subtle and not-so-subtle forms of captivity imposed by culture, environment, ego, and even one’s own body.

In addition, Ledoh worked with second and third graders at the Mission Hill School to sharpen their consciousness of space through movement, drawing, and discussion. Ledoh performed for the students in the Courtyard, and taught them four basic Butoh movements and their relationship to everyday movements. The project culminated in a performance that the students shared with their school. This was the first time that an Artist-in-Residence had collaborated with Gardner Education Department staff and School Partnership classes on a project involving choreography.

Ledoh’s multimedia works for Salt Farm include Blue Scale, River of Sand, River Rock Sun, Reverberation, and Requiem for Darkness. Ledoh has been awarded residencies in California at the Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito; the Luggage Store Gallery, San Francisco; and the Lucas Artists Program at the Montalvo Arts Center, Saratoga. His performance piece Color Me America, a Creative Capital Award project was presented in San Francisco and internationally. He lives and works in San Francisco.