The Larger Conversation
Creative Collision
Thursday, September 30, 2021
6 pm
This is a virtual program.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
6 pm
This is a virtual program.
In each of Titian’s poesie, the fates of the female subjects are often at the hands of men, as relevant today as they were in Renaissance Spain and Italy. This raises questions around the male gaze, gender, power, and sexuality. Given today’s environment, women are challenging and changing the ways they are characterized, recorded and presented in the arts and for audiences-at-large. Consider what the art of today and in the future will look like when the gaze shifts to the actual lived experiences of the female subjects who are portrayed.
Adults $15, seniors $12, students $10, free for members and children 17 and under. Please register with one ticket per household.
*Handling charges apply to these orders