Members Only

Experience the stories the artworks in Common Threads: Weaving Stories Across Time, and discover how modern-day artists push the traditional boundaries of textiles at this evening member celebration. Mix and mingle, enjoy a glass of wine, hear from the curators, and explore the featured galleries. 

Please note, the Museum will close at its regular 5 pm time and reopen for the event at 6:30 pm.


Complimentary, however space is limited. Advance registration is required. Reserve your tickets by September 26.

  • Online, by clicking the TICKETS button above*
  • By calling the Box Office at 617 278 5156, Wednesday-Monday 10 am - 4 pm*
  • In person: Visit the Museum and purchase at the door by October 3, Wednesday-Monday, 11 am - 4:30 pm

*Handling charges apply to these orders

Not a member and want to attend? Join now!

Can't make it to this event? Members can still preview the exhibition before it opens to the public!

Common Threads is supported in part by Amy and David Abrams, The Coby Foundation, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Barr Foundation ArtsAmplified Initiative, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Museum receives operating support from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, which receives support from the State of Massachusetts and the National Endowment for the Arts. 

Media Sponsor: WBUR