Saturday Open Studio - February 8, 2025

Free with Museum Admission

Saturday, February 8, 2025
1 - 4 pm
Bertucci Education Studio


Before collecting the objects that we see in the Museum today, Isabella Stewart Gardner collected rare books and manuscripts. She also made books of her own, or travel journals, documenting her trips abroad, often through collage.

Bookmaking can be a way to archive and uplift memories. During this activity, we encourage you to use your book as a way to commemorate the people, moments, and experiences that are meaningful to you. We will also offer handmade, biodegradable sheets of paper containing flower seeds. Participants can include this paper when making their books or plant to get wildflowers.

Even after the book is completely filled you have additional ways of presenting memories.

About the Artist

Photo of a young Asian woman with long,dark hair, bangs, glasses, brown jacket and white shitrt looking at the camera with a slight smile

Photo courtesy of the artist

Mimi Zhang is the current Polly Thayer Starr intern of the Gardner Museum. They are an artist and a student pursuing their bachelors degree at Tufts/SMFA. Their ongoing work focuses on taking the concept “museum as temple” literally. They employ methodologies such as biomythography to achieve their artistic practice. Mimi also started an art collective with a friend a few years back. Mimi’s work has been exhibited in California, Ohio, and Massachusetts. Their piece, Ashima + Ahei, recently won Juror’s Choice at Boston City Hall’s eighth annual Fay Chandler Emerging Art Exhibition.


Open Studios are free with Museum Admission, and participation is drop-in on a first-come, first served basis. Advance registration for General Admission is encouraged.

Purchase your ticket by clicking on the GET TICKETS button above.

Questions about accessibility? Please call the box office at 617 278 5156 to request accessible or companion seating, or to inquire about other accommodations in advance of the program.

Studio activities are made possible by the Polly Thayer Starr Charitable Trust. The Museum is also supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, which receives support from the State of Massachusetts and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Polly Thayer Starr (1904-2006) was an accomplished artist who captured the culture and whimsy of her native Boston with a unique combination of detail, emotion, and curiosity. For more, visit the Polly Thayer Starr Charitable Trust online at